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  • Writer's pictureRiah

What’s Your Next Move

So, long time no speak… Sorry about that. I’ve been off living dreams, exploring options, and figuring out what my next move is. See I'll show you...

Quite frankly my next move is simply to keep moving. Opportunity is always just around the corner if we keep our eyes open for it. So that’s my plan. I’m keeping my eyes open and making those opportunities for myself. I’m putting myself out there and who knows what’ll happen because of it. Now this might not work for you, and that’s okay. But me, I’ve spent too much time worrying about the future when the present was happening right in front of my face. Plus, as a young woman of God there is nothing I should be worried about. Instead I should pray about everything and give it to God. When we’re thinking too far into the future it’s bound to stress us out. And no matter what it is that you believe in, there is a greater power guiding us, relax a little.

We were all created to BE SOMEBODY. So just keep your eyes open. Each step gets you closer to a bigger picture right? Call it character development, plot development, finding your purpose… doesn’t really matter what you call it, it’s all the same thing. Each step, each movement, is important and necessary to the ultimate person you’re meant to be. So please, be kind to yourself. Explore your options. Create opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled. Don’t stop moving. And when you find yourself at a crossroads, have faith that no matter what path you go down, you’ll end up right where you need to be. You got this! Talk to ya soon,

Love ya muchly


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