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  • Writer's pictureRiah

Just Start

People change and evolve all the time. The girl I once was is no longer available. She checked out when I checked into who I'm becoming. You have to acknowledge that the person you want to be, or the person you're meant to be, and the person you are currently are different. Those 2 people live different lifestyles, surround themselves with different people, they think with different mindsets. Some of us are so stuck on who we are, we prevent ourselves from growing into who we hope to be. To get different results, we have to take different actions. That is my goal this year, 2022.

I don't know about you, but the past year or so I've done nothing but plan and create ideas. And I've realized that no matter how much I plan and visualize, nothing's going to happen unless I act on them. Too often we don't do something because we think we're not ready or it's not planned out enough or it's not the right time.

I'm going to let you in on a secret: Do it anyway.

I, at my ripe age of 19, have learned that there is never a "right" time and you can never prepare enough. But, you can step out on faith. You can start and go from there. If it is what you are meant to be doing and God has called you to it, allow him to guide your steps along the way. That's what I'm doing. So many times I've typed a draft of a post and thought to myself that there's no way anyone wants to read this or that it isn't saying enough. But I've come to realize that not everyone is going to want to read it and not everyone will like it. The thing about it is, my voice is unique to me. And somewhere there is someone who needs to hear what I have to say. And the only way that'll happen, is if I just say it. So here I am before you, stepping out on faith, saying the things that I need to say, in hopes that whoever needed to hear it reads it and receives it. And now I want to challenge you. Whatever it is you've been planning for, working on, thinking about, go for it.

Just Start.

If it has been on your heart and on your mind then go for it. If you don't already know the steps to start find out. If you already know, then pick a day, and start. You don't have to have it completely thought out or planned, you just need to know how to start. Everything will work out the way it should.

Love ya muchly,


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