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  • Writer's pictureRiah

How to: Studying

Feels like classes just started, but midterms are already here. So let's just cut to the chase. Studying can be hard. And sometimes, it can get so stressful that you just want to give up. But it doesn't have to be that difficult. As someone who has always been hard on themselves academically, I know what that stress is like. And I also know that we can not continue on with it. So, I am here to give a few tips that you can try to eliminate some of that academic stress.

First take breaks!

Listen, if you try to go 4 or 5 hours straight of studying and assignments, you brain is going to be on overload and it's not going to help your production or retention. Don't get me wrong, I get it. You want to go ahead and get it done and get a good grade on it. But as scholars we should be taking more from some of these classes than just a good grade. We should be keeping at least some of this knowledge to use after school is over. When you take breaks, it allows your brain a chance to rest some so that you can go back refocused and ready to work.

Second, snack while you work!

Or you can snack during your break if you struggle with multi tasking lol. Certain foods can help boost your brain activity and your energy levels to help you get through the assignments and retain the information. Some good study snacks include fruits and nuts. Blueberries have been found to help improve memory. As well as sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and cabbage. Foods with omega 3 fatty acids can help to reduce test anxiety and improve concentration. Fish, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds all fall within this category. I learned about these foods and snacks in the nutrition class I took while I've been on my college journey. Of course, you know your body best, so do what helps you.

Third, avoid cramming!

Okay look, I'm a procrastinator, so I know sometimes the last minute pressure produces the best work. But when you are studying, you will retain the information better, if you start farther out. If you study in pieces, it won't be so overwhelming. Say maybe you start a week before the test and study the material (day 7). After 2 days you study again but this time you don't use your notes. Instead, tell someone or write down the information from memory (day 5). After 2 more days, have one last full blown study session (day 3). Finally the day before the test, you do a short review (day 1). This is where you again, recite from memory everything you know. To do that you may need to create possible test questions for yourself or create topic cards so you have a place to start. If you are studying with a partner, you can use flash cards that have the topic word on the front and on the back all the details you need to know about said topic. They hold up one card at a time for you to see the topic word and they can tell you if you mentioned everything you needed to based off the back of the card. And of course, quizlet is a fun source to create a digital study guide.

I hope these things are able to help you and/or encourage you to continue in your work. You can and will do amazing on those midterms guys! It may feel a little stressful now but it won't last long because you just read about some amazing tips to help make studying not feel so bad. Remember to speak positivity over yourself! You can and you WILL succeed this semester, and don't forget it! Let me know your favorite study habits and some things you do to study stress free. Maybe I could use a couple of your tips. Can't wait to hear from you!

Love ya muchly,


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