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  • Writer's pictureRiah

Hair Tips

Hey, hey, heyy yall. Let's talk about hair. Our crowns that sit upon our heads that allow us to express whatever it is we need. If we do not care for and protect our crowns they will not be strong enough for us to use them as a mode of expression. Lots of people struggle with breakage and a variety of other issues and that can suck. I by no means am a doctor. I am just here to share a few tips for my fellow curly haired friends that I've learned on my hair journey and through small bits of research.

For those of you that are curious, I am natural. I've never had a perm, ever. And I've been natural my whole life. I do want to take this opportunity to say that you can have healthy permed hair. However, that's not my cup of tea. I have thick 4c ish hair. I normally wash about every 2 weeks unless I have some type of braids or style in. What works for my hair may not be best for your hair. Each head is different and unique. Please remember to cherish the crown you have been given, nobody else has one exactly like yours. Its special.

Now, without further ado, here are 5 quick tips on healthy hair.

Don't overdo heat.

A little heat never hurt anyone but try not to use it very often as too much heat can damage your beautiful curls.

Detangle from end to root

Our curly hair is fragile. Do this to preserve as much hair as possible and limit breakage

Trims are our friends

It might seem wild that cutting our hair helps but it does. By simply taking off a little bit every so often you are able to catch split ends and the such before it becomes something worse.

Massage your scalp

Your hair follicles need love too. By massaging your scalp, you help blood flow and stimulation which promote healthy hair.

Don't stress

If you're stressed it can and will show up via your hair. Remember NOBODY'S HAIR IS ALIKE. There is no reason to worry about length or whether you're doing the "right" thing to your hair. The "right" way to care for your hair is the way that works for you and your hair. While you're busy being relaxed and focusing on your hair's health, the length will come.

Now, if you're already doing these things, then you're on the right track hun! Of course there's a variety of other things that you can try and add but I'll do other posts for those. I would love to share more that I've learned through my hair journey and the things that help me keep healthy hair. So no need to stress it, stay tuned!

Love ya muchly,


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