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  • Writer's pictureRiah

Dating Yourself

I've talked on here about how to be alone before. Now that we are able to do that, let's go a step further. Start to date yourself. No matter your relationship status, loving yourself should be a top priority. No one can began to love you until you love yourself fully and whole heartedly. If there's a love language that you prefer or a way you want someone to treat you, start by doing it for yourself. And taking yourself on dates is a great way to work on that.

Okay so you might be wondering 'girl how do I take myself on a date?' So I'm going to give some ideas of self dates and tell you about some of my self dates. For starters, a self date is just a regular date, but you take yourself. And it has become pretty popular recently, so you may have seen some YouTube videos or tiktok examples. You could take yourself out to eat, to a movie, out shopping, on a walk, on a picnic, or you could even do a date at your place.

On one of my self dates, I took myself out to lunch and went to walk around a few stores. Now when I say out to lunch, I don't mean I got food to go or went through a drive through. I mean I got up and got dressed in an outfit I felt cute in. I did my hair and light makeup because I was feeling fancy. Plus dressing up helped give the day a full date experience. Then I went to a sit down restaurant in my city and got a table for myself. A lot of people feel weirded out by sitting at a table alone in a restaurant, so no judgement if that thought makes you uncomfortable. But I promise you, it is actually a really lovely time, just might take a few tries. This time I had my journal with me and I wrote in it and reflected on myself and my life at the moment. After my lunch, I went to a shopping center in the area and walked around in a few stores. I did have a few things in mind that I wanted to pick up so I made sure to go by those stores. I tried on a few dresses in one of the stores just because I thought they were pretty and I ended up buying one. I didn't actually buy much that day but I had a very enjoyable time walking in the stores and looking around. Once it started to get dark outside, I wrapped up my date and headed back to my college dorm. Maybe you aren't ready to sit in a restaurant alone, or maybe that just doesn't seem appealing to you. But there are other things you can do.

You could take yourself on a picnic. This option might be more comfy for you and it can definitely be more cost effective, especially as a college student. Where I'm at there are plenty of parks and I love to go sit at them if it's a nice day outside. You can take a blanket and maybe take you some food or treat yourself to your favorite coffee place or smoothie spot. Sometimes I'll take some homework with me, but it is definitely more fun when you don't lol. You could also take a coloring book, a journal, your bible, a sketchpad, your favorite book, or just a portable charger and your most comfy headphones so you can watch movies or videos. You can also always just people watch. If it's a nice day out and the park has a playground area you may see quite a few families and kids out. Sitting outside on a sunny day is so nice and it can even be a mood booster. We need to get out sometimes and get that fresh air and natural vitamin D from the sun.

If you don't want to get out but still want to take yourself on a date, you can always do a movie or self care night. Take the time to use your favorite skincare products the correct way. And go through the whole extensive process that you maybe don't get to do every day. While you do it, wear your favorite pajamas or robe, put on your cute headband to keep your hair back, make you a nice drink in your favorite cup. Make a charcuterie board to snack on while your feet soak or your face mask sets. Cue up your favorite movie on your tv or laptop or whatever you watch shows on. Light your fave candles and turn the lights down. Point is, make it nice, make it fun, *ROMANTICIZE* the experience for yourself.

These were just a few ideas of self dates but there are so many more. Pretty much any date you would go on with someone, you can do alone. For me, I enjoy doing things alone and having romanticized me time. That alone time can be so important to your self development. It gives you an opportunity to enjoy your own company. It can give you an opportunity to decompress and evaluate yourself. It can give you an opportunity to celebrate yourself, to take the time to acknowledge what you've done. And overall, being able to do all of these things that are viewed as group activities by yourself can do so much for your self confidence. Let me know in the comments some of your favorite restaurants to eat at alone- where are the best vibes?! I hope this post was helpful and gave you some ideas for ways to take yourself out. You deserve to be pampered and loved on, so make sure you give yourself time to do so. See you in the next post,

Love ya muchly,


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